...my blog for celebrating and sharing the sweet things in life...

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Resolutions That I Don't Make

Yes, I know I've already talked about the New Year. To be fair, I was reflecting on the year that's passed.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. I DO NOT MAKE RESOLUTIONS. Because, well- why? It's setting myself up for failure.

But this year, my dear husband and I are doing something different, and experiment of sorts. We're make resolutions... for each other. We had a pretty comical discussion about this last evening, and we even set some ground rules. Like, no being judgie. Resolutions can't be something that is a fix for an everyday pet peeve we may have. (So "fluffing the couch cushions after you get up so they don't look so squished" can't be a resolution.)

And they have to be resolutions that truly are something that is beneficial, such as mine for him that states:

     - NO paying monthly for a gym membership that doesn't get used at least 4 times in a month.

See how I did that? I'm not saying he can't have the membership. But $36 a month for something he doesn't even use? Total waste! And this might encourage him to actually use it, which would be a good thing.

Today we are to draft our resolutions and we will go over them with each other. So will it be easier to follow through with something that wasn't our own? We shall see.

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