...my blog for celebrating and sharing the sweet things in life...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Oh The Irony!

Two very ironic things happened to me today on my commute to work.

1. I passed two, large, sleek Lincoln Navigators with signs on their doors that said DEP. Shouldn't they be driving around in Chevy Volts or something, instead of gas-guzzling SUV's?

2. I was driving unusually slow on the parkway (OK, I was checking my email. I don't do it when I drive, normally...) A Kia Soul went flying past me, honking and the driver was giving me the finger. I don't blame him. However, as he went whipping past, I couldn't help but notice the bumper sticker on his car that read YOU HAVE A FRIEND IN JESUS.

Am I the only one who finds both of these situations a little, well, odd? Just sayin'.

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