...my blog for celebrating and sharing the sweet things in life...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Reflections

As I do every year at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, I reflect briefly about the year I'm leaving behind. What changes have occurred since the year prior? Am I better off than where I was? Am I restless, unfulfilled, or discontent? Were there any big events that have altered the path I walk on each day?

This year, my answers were all gleefully positive. Sure, there is always room for improvement or stronger commitment to something I've started (perhaps like this blog). I like to judge the outgoing year by comparing it to the one before it. If I've not gone backwards in anyway, or even stayed exactly the same, then by my judgement it was a successful year! I strive to move forward. Apathy and inactivity scare me. As does monotony.

You know, I heard from someone that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time, or something like that. That cannot be more true when comparing the last 5 or 6 years of my life. We aren't known for making subtle changes in my little family. (Eight moves over thirteen years of marriage, three of which were state-to-state!) Maybe it's the thrill of a new place, the anticipation of how things will turn out or even the joy of learning and growing along the way that make change such an appealing option for us. I don't know.

But each year has progressively gotten better. To compare with even just one year ago to this very day- we're better. A year older, a year wiser. 2011 was a year that I can look back upon with a smile. I can say the same thing about 2010, 2009, and 2008. We've accomplished some goals we've set for ourselves, and it feels great.

There is a flip side to this, however. Such as- what can I do even better? How can I commit to certain things this year that I've let slide previously? (like keeping up with exercise or cutting back on my meat consumption) I've reached a point where I'm content in my work. I do not have any desire to move on, or move forward with that. Truth be told, I'll never find a better job right now. So looking to change that wouldn't be such a great idea. However, we have felt the walls of our little dollhouse closing in around us, slowly suffocating us as our son grows and we've decided that maybe it's time to get serious about owning a home of our own once again. While we've decided quite some time ago that this is where we'll be planting our roots, we've never been certain on how deeply we'd want them to go. The last couple years have pretty much decided that for us.

I've noticed, too, that if I stick to a regular schedule with blogging, it's easier to keep up with. I'm going to try. I enjoy writing my blog, sharing recipes and complaining to unknown cyber friends about all of the ridiculous things that bother me. A weekly post shouldn't be that hard, so right now that's my goal.

I do wish everyone the best for the upcoming year. I hope for redirection in our country's leadership, and peace and unity among mankind.

And no matter what, I still will absolutely NOT join Facebook in 2012.

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